Professional Work Chairs


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Overall project
65% of the dentists has muscle-skeletal problems at different levels and they give trouble, pain, functional restrictions; as a consequence of this there is a loss of working hours.
The disability risk is high.
It is easy to avoid or highly reduce the physical troubles by choosing an healthy position and a dynamic way of working.

How you seat is fundamental for your job.
The correct way of seating allows you work in a more dynamic way and in a less tiring way .
As a consequence of fact your efficiency is higher and your posture is protected. The non-proper seating can prejudice your job reducing the working periods and cause illness.
A Professional Work Chair has to give you:
• Comfort
• Efficiency
• Operating comfort

Passive sit
The pelvis tilts backwards in the passive sit on a normal seat and the spine becomes rounded.

Active sit
The pelvis is in a neutral position when seating in a normal seat.
The position is medically correct in fact the muscles are taut but they will get tired quickly.

Unbalanced sit
The pelvis tilts frontwards due to a too angled seat or to a congenital problem.
This is causing lordosis and abnormal posture.

Whenever you choose a car, the first comfort sensation is coming from the sit, the same is happening when buying the chairs for at home.
While it is not such analytic the choose of the working stool, even if it is longer used and should give better efficiency and comfort durin g the day.
Thanking TECNO-GAZ now you can choose between stools and PWC pr ofessional working chair.
This is not only a device but the results of the study of the skeleton, of the working operating and it is developped following the presciprion of the customisation.
Customisation does not mean color choosing, but it means considering the structure of the person.
TECNO-GAZ with the PWC project has just developp ed a global customisation project.
You can change from a normal stool into a PROFESSIONAL WORKING CHAIR, a product developped for your comfort and for hi gh efficiency in the everyday working.