Roll thermosealer with integrated printer and automatic photocell feed system


Tecno Seal Print is a roll thermosealer with integrated printer and automatic photocell feed system.

This is the ultimate expression of technology applied to medical sealing, used in medical centres, dental surgeries, hospitals and clinics. It guarantees very high output, maximum operating speed without routine maintenance; it uses precut bags sealed on 3 sides (available in various sizes and supplied by Tecno-Gaz).
Tecno Seal Print has an integrated printer which, during sealing, automatically prints on the bag the packaging and expiry date, as well as the required regulatory symbols.
This important feature allows constant control over the current sterile conditions of the instruments.
Another feature is an electronic control and management card allowing the use parameter adjustments.
The use of this machine is simple and rational.
The operator only has to insert the bag containing the instrument into the sealing machine support; the photocell automatically, autonomously feeds the bag, seals it and prints the packaging data.
This action can be continuative and repetitive to ensure high output and considerable time reduction.
Surgeries which intend to certify and document all the sterilization procedures must have Tecno Seal Print.

Technical Features