Conf. 8 Pz

Model “ T paper”

Tecno-Gaz spa has introduced a new series of sterilization bags and rolls called T paper.

These devices are designed for hospital, medical, dental, cosmetic, veterinary and podology uses and, in general, for all the personnel that carries out steam or gas sterilization processes.

The T paper products are made of composite plastic material (polyester-polypropylene) and special medical paper, moisture resistant and with high anti-bacteria protection.

The closure system of the bags prevent the forming of air bubbles and ensures a perfect seal, preventing fi ne dust from entering the bag and therefore causing unsatisfactory sterility.

The inks used are water based. Rolls feature a toning indicator every 10 cm while each bag has one toning indicator.

The indicators are to be used for steam or gas toning.

All products are manufactured according to EN 868 directive
