Orion 40 On Trolley


Surgical Led Lamp

Why Orion 40
It is especially recommended for operating theatres where the surgeon needs a small lamp to avoid interference with other overhead equipment.
Excellent for oral and maxillofacial surgery and aesthetic plastic surgery.
It has 30 elliptical reflectors split into 6 modules, each containing 5 LEDs, providing 130,000 Lux.
An aluminium ring runs around the dome for easier positioning.

The E-View system
lets the surgeon adjust the extent of the lit field to get the right typeof light for each surgical procedure.Destination of use
Primary dental surgery, advanced dental surgery, periodontal surgery and general dental surgery (with the possibility to function as dental chair’s lamp too).

During endoscopy susrgery it is possible to activate Endoled in order to get enviromental lighting. This function enables to light only one module on and to regulate light intensity and color temperature.

Cold light
The increase of thermic radiation on operatory filed is proprotional to the quantity and to the power of used Leds. Tecno-Gaz, thanks to indirect light concept, is using only few Leds.

As for specific surgeries such as:
• thoracic surgery
• addominal surgery
• caesarean section
it is necessary to have enlarged lighting field with higher lighting intensity. Additional optics named E-View (Extended-View) enables to increase illuminated field till 32 cm with light intensity on external board of 6000 lux keeping light intensity unchanged.

Indirect light, main feature of Pentaled lamps, guarantees the surgeon a cold deep and confortable light thanks to the use of a trajectory studied in order to reflect all lighting rays created by Led with no dispersion at all on operatory field.
The resul enable to:
• reduce the number of Leds used.
• reduce temperature on operatory field.
Thanks to indirect light principle, surgeon and assistants are never bothered by light and can operate with no eyestrain nor dazzling.

Nature inspired all man discoveries!
Sun is tha main light source and its rays have monocromatic light emission, that is thorugh uniform coloring. Starting from this idea, Tecno-Gaz has projected its lamps using only white Leds in order to avoid any alteration of color temperature on operatory field and undesired shadow effects.

O-Glass technology
The light source is protected by O-Glass, a light diffusing screen made from clear tempered glass and coated with a special high streng th film to avoid shards falling into the operating field in the unlikely event that it shatters.
The glass is non static, scratchproof and does not yellow with age, unlike conventional polycarbonate screens.