Whistleblowing System


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TECNO-GAZ SpA recognizes sustainable growth and success based on a corporate culture based on solid values and ethical behaviour. 
In this context, whistleblowing emerges as a crucial pillar in the promotion of an honest and responsible working environment, which is precisely why TECNO-GAZ SpA has decided to equip itself with an internal reporting system, Whistlelink
Whistleblowing, integrated by the platform, is a mechanism that not only allows the company to comply with national and European legislation (Legislative Decree 10 March 2023, n.24 implementation of EU Directive 2019/1937) but contributes to promoting health and the integrity of our business ecosystem by preserving the reputation and trust of stakeholders. 
It is possible to proceed with the reporting of offenses using the "Whistleblowing System" button below, which can also be reached at the address: https://tecnogaz.whistlelink.com  
To begin a reporting process, click on the “send report here” button. It is necessary to fill in all the fields exhaustively, deciding to remain anonymous throughout the reporting process or to enter some data that will be displayed by the platform manager who will handle the case. 
 After sending the report, you will receive a case identification code and a verification code which you will need to keep as they will be essential for following the progress of the reporting process. 
From the first page you can also select the " follow your case" that is the option in which you can receive communications, enter further information and check the progress of the process.  
For each report forwarded, the platform manager will confirm receipt of the report within 7 days and provide feedback for case management within 90 days.  
Not all reports are suitable for the whistleblowing system, in this case, the platform manager will archive the case informing you of the decision made and the reasons. 
TECNO-GAZ S.p.A assures the reporting party and the person reported that every concern will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and that appropriate measures will be adopted in a timely and impartial manner on each report. Integration is fundamental for growth and, together we will guarantee an ethical and transparent future. 
For further questions and information please click on the "Whistleblowing Policy" button.
Thank you for your support and collaboration.